8165 Morro Road, Suites A, B, C, & D Atascadero, California 93422
Clinic : (805) 461-3002 | Store: (805) 461-4842
Hours: Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Parasites can affect your pet in a variety of ways, ranging from simple irritation to causing life-threatening conditions if left untreated. And while parasites can affect your pet year round, they are especially vulnerable as the temperatures rise and we spend more time outdoors.
Luckily, as your veterinarian we can help prevent, accurately diagnose, and safely treat parasites and other health problems that not only affect your dog or cat, but also the safety of you and your family.
Responsible pet parasite control can reduce the risks associated with transmission of parasitic diseases from pets to people. By following a few simple guidelines, pet owners can better protect their pets and their family. Review this check list provided by the Companion Animal Parasite Council.