Puppy Class
Get your new puppy friend started right! Puppies need to be socialized with other dogs and lots of different humans. Early socialization helps prevent many future behavior problems from occurring and gets your puppy started on the path to being an enjoyable companion that is welcome anywhere. You can see the official website of our puppy training and REGISTER at CanineAcademy.org. Classes are Thursdays nights at 7:00 pm with Instructor Katie Hawkins.

The Course
This four week session, taught by Eileen Harnedy and other instructors from Canine Academy, focuses on socialization of your puppy. The sessions consist of the controlled social interactions, exposure to new situations, basic puppy manners and problem prevention techniques. Puppies can join the class at any time. There will be a socialization exercise, exposure to different locations (grooming shop, veterinary clinic) or exposure to challenging situations (wheeled vehicles, obstacles, and scent work), handling or training exercise each week.

Puppies must be between 8 to 18 weeks of age and have started their vaccination series by a veterinarian at least 10 days prior to starting classes. Vaccination records are required at time of registration.
Right Start Puppy class will be held at the Canine Academy, 13655 San Antonio Rd, Atascadero, during the Spring and Summer months and at the Specialty Pet Supply Store, 8135 Morro Rd, Atascadero, during the Fall and Winter months. Please check the Canine Academy website,
http://www.canineacademy.org and on the link to Puppy Classes, you will find the current location.
For dates of classes, prices, or to register, please call Canine Academy at