8165 Morro Road, Suites A, B, C, & D Atascadero, California 93422

Clinic : (805) 461-3002 | Store: (805) 461-4842

Hours: Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM


Exams and Consultations

Exams and Consultations

At Veterinary Medical Center, we believe in promoting overall wellness for our patients through routine checkups, exams, vaccinations, and nutrition.

Bringing your pet to Veterinary Medical Center for physical examinations is crucial for his or her health. We offer thorough physical examinations so that we can detect any potential problems ahead of time. There are many pet health problems that could be avoided through regular physical exams, which is why we recommend that your pet has at least two examinations with our staff per year. While physical exams are critical to animal health, you can do your part by being a vigilant pet owner. If you notice any irregularities with your pet, take detailed notes and bring him or her in for an examination.

What exactly does a physical exam include? Some things you can’t see, feel, touch, or hear without special tests and equipment but many times you can gain a lot of information about your pet through simple observation. In a physical exam, your veterinarian looks for anything abnormal. What is considered normal is a combination of what is normal for the breed, and what is normal for your unique pet. Every pet is a little bit different, just like every human is different. Once the veterinarian does the basic physical exam, any areas of concern will be given more attention.