8165 Morro Road, Suites A, B, C, & D Atascadero, California 93422
Clinic : (805) 461-3002 | Store: (805) 461-4842
Hours: Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Vaccines offer protection against major viral and bacterial diseases that cats and dogs may be exposed to. Pets are susceptible to disease at any age, and it's very important to have your kitten or puppy vaccinated for maximum protection. Your veterinarian will set up a vaccination program for your pet to provide protection for the diseases of concern in your area. Kittens and puppies often require an initial vaccination with follow-up booster shots to ensure they are well protected against diseases. Vaccines are designed to provide disease protection for a limited amount of time, often one year. So it's important to take your pet for an exam every year with your veterinarian, which will likely include their annual vaccinations. Vaccinations in young animals are a necessary building block in the foundation of your pet's immune system. Following a proper vaccination schedule will help to ensure that you are doing your part to keep your new friend healthy. Additionally, we recommend that all dogs and cats be placed on a monthly parasite preventative and be tested bi-annually for parasites.